
G (2)

Gilang Bagaskara, Kls. 5, Bantul (2010):
Demo Damai
Kunyalakan televisi
Kuntonton berita
Ah demo ... demo lagi
Kenapa setiap hari demo?
Jalanan jadi macet
Aku jadi takut sekolah
Ayah takut ke kantor
Ibu takut ke pasar
Kami takut semua
Takut kena pukul
Takut dilempar batu
Takut demonya marah melulu
Kalau setiap hari demo
Aku tak jadi pintar
Mestinya tak merusak
Tidak main pukul
Tidak memaksa-maksa
Demolah dengan damai

Peaceful Demo
I turned the television
I watched news
Ah demo ... demo again
Why every day demo?
The streets became jammed
I'm so afraid of school
Dad scared to office
Mother was afraid to market
We were scared all
Fear caned
Fear stoned
Fear of angry demo
If every day demo
I'm not so smart
It should not damage
No beat
No force
Please demo peacefully

Golda Editha Sacchayarin, Kls. 6, Sukabumi (2010):
Menuntut Ilmu
Pagi-pagi buta
Aku sudah bangun
Kaki kuayunan
Demi menggapai cita-cita
Walau harus menempuh jalan berkelok
Walau terik matahari menghitamkan kulitku
Walau rasa lapar dan dahaga menyerangku
Aku tetap pergi
Untuk meraih ilmu setinggi bintang-bintang di langit
Agar aku dapat meraih cita-cita
Dan berguna untuk negaraku Indonesia

Seek Knowledge
Early morning
I'm awake
I step my leg
For the sake of reaching their dreams
Although must take the detour
Despite the blazing sun my skin discolor
Despite hunger and thirst attacked
I still go
To achieve maximum knowledge as high as stars in the sky
So that I can achieve my goals
And useful to my country Indonesia

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